The Prayer Battle project is currently in development. It has not been released to the public yet.
Hopefully soon!
Pray without ceasing.
Prayer Battle is an application (we sometimes refer to it as a game because we are game developers, but it isn’t really a game, it is a tool) for people to come together and pray for one another. Specific prayer requests are submitted, and prayer warriors can indicate that they have prayed for that request by tapping a button. Initially the application will be simple and straight forward. Submit a prayer request, or pray for someone.

Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.
Eventually however we hope to implement more interactive features where people can enter an online prayer room with a group of other Believers and have a short prayer meeting in real time praying over the prayer requests that are brought up on the screen, and praying for one another. This functionality will not be available in the immediate release however, as we need more funding to be able to accomplish that.

… for the workman is worthy of his meat.
We do not have corporate funding, or any kind of mainstream funding. Our project operates on blessings. Eventually we intend to add some in-app purchase options for people to be able to customize their experience, and hopefully those in-app purchases will help fund our development efforts, but initially we’re just releasing on faith that people will step up and bless us in accordance to how the Lord has blessed them. Is the Prayer Battle project exciting to you? Consider
blessing our project with the outpouring the Lord has given you.